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Thursday, 3 February 2011

Sri Lanka

Just arrived in Sri Lanka on Tuesday , after many many hours of travelling .
It's been raining scince i got here :( . But its still warm and humid so its ok. The last few days i've been doing "introduction week" so learning about sri Lankan History , Buddhism , visiting temples and other attractions. So far i have visited a Batik factory and watched the women as they made some incredible peices of art, i went to The Temple of the Tooth (which is in Kandy) and i have visited Kandy city.
I will start my project next tuesday , i'm really looking forward to it. I will be staying with a family and starting work at the turtle factory at 7:30am . My job will involve sleaning the tanks, cleaning the turtle's shells, feeding, taking the turtles to the sea so they can have a little dip and then take them back, and looking after the baby's ! yey!
It is a fairly lonely job though, i will have to try and meet people on the beach, as i am the only volounteer and do not know anyone here :s .
Internet here is very SLOW and always crashing so forgive me if i cant update you guys as much as i was in india. Will try and wrirte some more after i have started work . Missing everyone , tata x


  1. "Turtle factory" sounds a bit worrying! I hope there'll be people around, there will probably be plenty of Sri Lankan people working with you...? You'll just have to check out all the cafes and bars ;-) xx

  2. Aw - we swam with turtles. Was I scared of them? I can't remember......... your spelling is a bit weird ...........any spellcheck in Sri Lanka? Cant wait for photos :># dadx

  3. Hello Jorge
    Am sitting here with your Dad and pesky pimp younger bro. JX has been eating dinner and Kit is back from a date - Valentines night. Woooo !
    Hope you having a lovely time and dig the blog and photos.
    Sorry for the daft nickname. Your Dad made me do it...
